This document contains information for LiveCache system copy part of an SCM7.0 system copy. In the previous 2 parts, we have completed ABAP system copy and opened the system. Now we restore LiveCache instance from source system to target system through MaxDB Database Studio.
LiveCache version of SCM system is 7.7.07 Build48. LiveCache is installed on the same Linux x86_64 server with ABAP SCM 7.0 part.
Related SAP Notes:
457425 - Homogene liveCache-Kopie mit Hilfe von Backup/Restore
632357 - Sicherung der Daten aus dem liveCache für SCM >= 4.0
To prevent some misunderstandings and increase readibility, I prepared 3 seperate documents for DB2 restore and LiveCache MaxDB restore.
This part contains sapinst steps from the beginning until the "exit to restore DB2". Second part contains DB2 restore (from Snapshot) steps and third part contains LiveCache system copy instructions.
For the first part, that contains system copy screenshots (until restore) and information, go to link: SCM 7.0 (with LiveCache) DB2 Linux system copy-Part1/3 (Until restore)
For the second part, that contains DB2 restore steps. go to link: SCM 7.0 (with LiveCache) DB2 Linux system copy-Part2/3 (DB2 restore)
- After finishing SCM ABAP DB2 restore (system copy), we can install LiveCache instance. Point the path like in the screenshot, in the screen of SWPM sapinst. Then enter LiveCache SID and master password:
- Provide LiveCache 7.7 DVD location:
- Provide LiveCache user details and other parameters like in the screenshots:
- Provide locations and sizes for your LiveCache MaxDB log and data volumes. You can check your source LiveCache configuration to be sure.
- After checking sapinst parameter summary screen, you can execute it. There are 5 steps to be completed:
- Download the latest LiveCache patch from SWDC and patch it with the following command like below:
root-> pwd
root-> ./SDBUPD -d <LiveCacheSID> -u control,PASSWORD
- Open your MaxDB Database Studio and register your both source and target LiveCache MaxDB servers. Firstly prepare a backup of source system via Right click -> Administration Tasks -> Backup... Then move the backup file to your target system to restore. Execute restore like in the screenshots:
- Finally restart your LiveCache instance through LC10 from your ABAP System.
My LC10 screen is like this now:
- During MaxDB recovery, I got the following error. The same error is also discussed in that SCN link:
- Can't start Database Instance after a recovery with error
To overcome this error, click to "Medium COM" button on left bottom corner and take a new backup from your source system with the block size mentioned in the error code:
-903 Host file I/O error 6,Data recovery failed 113,Open medium on /tmp/XXXX for READ failed Servertask Info: because Error in backup task occured Job 1 (Backup / Restore Medium Task) [executing] WaitingT140 Result=3700 Error in backup task occured, Error code 3700 "hostfile_error" 127,RTE header size 524288 instead of 65536 bytes on medium /xxxxxx .
Calculate block size to give, dividing the header size in the error code by 1024, to convert it to KB. For example in my case, there was an error code with the value 524288 and I divided it by 1024. 524288/1024 = 512KB . I gave this value to make a new source system MaxDB backup. Then restoring it went fine!
- In LC10 screen I had a warning "Instance ONLINE, but no SQL access possible" . Due to this error, LiveCache reports, jobs can not be executed. SCN link for similar error:
Cannot open SQL connection to liveCache LCA
Also you can check your WP Workprocess logs under /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGSSN/work . You'll see this error there:
*** ERROR => different codepage: application=UNICODE, LVC=ASCII
I changed the DefaultCodePage like in the screenshot, from ASCII to UNICODE and restarted LiveCache. The error is lost.