SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR is a standard hourly collector job that gathers the statistics for the Workload Monitor transaction ST03 (component BC-CCM-MON-TUN).
Workload statistics are written by the kernel which is saved into stat files for use with transaction STAD. These stat files are overwritten, usually every 48 hours, depending on your parameter settings.
The SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR job collects the statistics from these stat files and stores them in tables (MONI or SWNCMONI tables) for ST03 to read from.
TCOLL Table Reports:
SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR starts the programs that are in the TCOLL table, therefore the TCOLL table must be maintained correctly with the correct programs running at the correct time. One way to check that the TCOLL table is maintained correctly is by running the report RTCCTOOL. Among other reports and recommendations, RTCCTOOL will show a status for "[Note 12103 ] Collectors and TCOLL":
You can click the traffic light on the left for a list of checks and recommendations if there are problems.
Although this report mentions the note 12103, you need to refer to the TCOLL note which is specific to your own release. The TCOLL table notes are:
- 12103 - Contents of the TCOLL table
- 970449 - Contents of TCOLL table in SAP_BASIS 640
- 966309 - Contents of table TCOLL in SAP_BASIS 700 - 7.02 and 7.31+
- 966631 - Contents of TCOLL table in SAP_BASIS 710
- 1394391 - Contents of the table TCOLL in SAP_BASIS 720
- 1394392 - Contents of the table TCOLL in SAP_BASIS 730
New Collector Changes in 700:
In release 700 the SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR job was changed and a new SWNCMONI table structure was introduced. This also introduced the SWNC* jobs to TCOLL: SWNCCOLL, SWNCTOTAL, SWNCREORG (these did not exist before 700).
These 3 SWNC* jobs are Timezone dependent. So, since 700, the SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR job needs to be run in client 000 and your timezone settings need to be correct.
See note 16083 (Standard jobs, reorganization jobs) which states:
"The job SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR must always be scheduled in client 000 with user DDIC or with a user with the same authorization"
If there are no statistics reported in ST03, or if the statistics are a couple of days behind, then this is most likely a timezone problem. The system timezone in STZAC must be maintained correctly. One such problem can be the system TZ in client 000 being different to the production client, after an upgrade for example. Make sure to check in client 000, where the SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR job should be running.
Other ST03 timezone problems and a procedure for how to check this is detailed in the KBA note 1841468:
- 1841468 - Missing ST03 Data after DST Timezone Change
Report TZCUSTHELP is also useful here, as shown in the note. If there are TZ problems for missing stats in ST03, you should also notice missing stats in STAD.
Further Collector Changes in 720:
In release 720 the SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR was changed again, so now we have a new improved Workload Collector which is described in note 1300273:
- 1300273 - SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR: New architecture as of 7.20
As described in the note, now the background job SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR will kick-off separate background jobs for all the reports in the TCOLL table, with each job having the name "SAP_COLLECTOR_PERFMON_<program name from TCOLL>". The features and requirements described above are still the same for the new 720 collector as they were for 700 (client 000, DDIC user, correct TZ settings, etc.)
More Information:
For more information on the Workload Monitor ST03, refer to the online documentation at:
Workload Monitor - SAP Library
More information and troubleshooting guides (including this one) on the BC-CCM-MON area are available in the CCMS Wiki space at:
Computing Center Management System (CCMS) - Technology Troubleshooting Guide - SCN Wiki