Hello Friends,
While doing SPS12 stack upgrade on New Solman 7.1 system we are facing issue in preprocessing phase.
The error in Phase -
I have activated the table "/SDF/SMODIDEVC" and
also updated tp and R3trans latest but the still issue remain same.
Error in PA010508.SOL
3 ETP379Xactivating Nametab "/SDF/SMODIDEVC":
2 ETP000 >> Name of inactive nametab to read : DDXTT~
2 ETP000 >> Format of inactive nametab to read: 5.0
3 ETP000 ntab export with reset DBTABPOS
2 ETP000 --------------- DB-ROLLBACK() ---------------
2AETP000XWrite table "/SDF/SMODIDEVC ": pgntab call: invalid arguments.
2 ETP301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ETP365 "0" Shadow-Nametabs activated
2 ETP362 "1" Shadow-Nametab activations failed
2 ETP364 Begin: Act. of Shadow-Nametabs ("2015/05/08 08:42:03")
2 ETP366 End: Act. of Shadow-Nametabs ("2015/05/08 08:42:03")
2 ETP301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1 ETP110 end date and time : "20150508084203"
1 ETP111 exit code : "12"
1 ETP199 ######################################
The table not in active status /SDF/SMODIDEVC.
I tried to activate from SE11 but I received dump DBIF_PGNT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS.
So I have executed below steps to resolve the activation problem (as per note)
Goto se37 function module DD_NAMETAB_DELETE
After this I activated successfully the table from SE11. I re-ran the SUM but still the same issue .
I have upgraded latest tp and R3trans as well but no luck .
tail -10 TP01.ECO
ENV: dbs_ora_schema=SAPSR3
ENV: dbs_ora_tnsname=SOL
PWD: /usr/sap/SOL/SUM/abap/tmp
EXECUTING /usr/sap/SOL/SUM/abap/exe/tp pf=/usr/sap/SOL/SUM/abap/var/MVNTSHD.TPP actntabs SOL protyear=01 shadow_only strel=702 substext=4G -Dbuffreset=no touch=NO
This is tp version 380.29.43 (release 721, unicode enabled)
tp finished with return code: 12
A tool used by tp aborted
SAPup> Process with PID 29163556 terminated with status 12 at 20150508120120!