Everybody knows the western The Good, the Bad and the Uglyin my opinion. And its soundtrack off course.
When I was thinking of writing a blog about how to be a good BASIS guy, I saw the blog "Are You a Rock Star Blogger?" (I liked the blog and played tthe game. I advice you, too.) After that I changed the header of this blog. I like the soundrack by the way.
I also think that many people will have something to say about BASIS guys. when I commented on one of the blog, a colleague wrote about BASIS crimes as "Insufficient supplies of coffee…""
Lets come to the topic. What is good, bad and ugly for a BASIS consultant?
The good BASIS consultant;
- Shows emphaty and put him/herself in place of the customer (not only customer also other consultants)
- Is helpfull to colleagues
- Is tidy: Does not leave many old documents on the desktop or filesystems of the SAP server
- Takes notes, documents what is done
- Learns from mistakes
- Makes plan or runbook even for small work
- Is secure
- Is hard working
- Is honest
- Is a team member
- Knows about OS, DB, Network, Storage
- Follows the technology and new features
- Uses additional languages
- Reads guides and follows guides
- Troubleshoots well
- Has good communication skills
- Has a certification
- Keeps eye on systems always
- Has sixth sense to use sometimes
- Has some IT Backgroud or some development background
- Has good understanding on functional topics or client business process
- Is experienced being involved in many projects
- Involved in big projects
- Asks people before stoppping the system
- Is user friendly
- Does not say bad words to colleagues and shouts at people
- Strong hearted
- Has Patience
- Has determination and vigorous nerves
- Gets official trainings
- Dooes not afraid of making hands dirty
- Challanges
- Ask seniors in doubt
- Never gives up
- Knows the power of knowledge
- Knows how and where to find the information
- Takes responsibality
- Knows how to manage resources
- Loves his job
- Does not forget duties
- Is on time for meetings
The bad BASIS consultant;
- Does not follow the guides
- Does not complete the work
- Does not take notes
- Does not help people
- Does not inform others
- Does not clean upp after installations
- Does not respect others
- Is selfish
- Does not want to be a team member
- Does not have lesson from mistakes
- Starts work without checking backup
- Betrays the ream
- Is not on time
And the ugly one;
- Stops system without informing users
- Says bad words to other people
- Gossips about people
- Hides what he learns
- Makes the same mistake again and again
- Ruins the team
- Always late
These are the things fallen from my keybboard to the blog in short time.
As I said, most of you have many things to say I bleieve.
Why don't you comment on this?
Thank you for reading and sharing.