Dear Experts,
I'm facing a problem about data storage & Database management.
I need to "drop" a table with huge data inside, avoiding the use of the SE14 or Database Utility, but using another table and rename one into another.
To let you understand better my point of view:
- I've Table A with name TableA with over 1 Billion records (it has a varchar inside, too) with only primary index (TableA~0)
- I've made a Table B equal to TableA with no records and primary index TableB~0.
I want to:
Rename TableA as TableC
Rename TableB as TableA
Rename TableC as TableB
Rename primary indexes from TableA~0 to TableC~0,
Rename primary indexes from TableB~0 to TableA~0,
Rename primary indexes from TableC~0 to TableB~0.
Is it possible to use FMs DB_RENAME_TABLE and DB_RENAME_INDEX? And - if so - how?
Thanks a lot,