Hi friends,
We are facing a problem where some of BW extraction jobs in ECC are seems to be taking much longer time and for few hours there is no update in Job log. After few hours, it starts sending tRFC packets automatically and then it finishes.
What can be the reason for no activity visible for few hours in between ?
(Since they run in night, tracing them is difficult as job name is not known in advance)
I checked and did not find any note for 0CO_PC_01 valid for 701 system.
Job log overview for job: BIREQU_DJQST9E8G1COLTBBS7QUXF6SH / 22242500
Date Time Message text Message class Message no. Message type
02.04.2015 22:24:25 Job started 00 516 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 Step 001 started (program SBIE0001, variant &0000000072040, user ID ALEREMOTE) 00 550 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 Asynchronous transmission of info IDoc 2 in task 0001 (0 parallel tasks) R3 413 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 DATASOURCE = 0CO_PC_01 R3 299 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 RLOGSYS = PWXCLNT100 R3 299 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 REQUNR = REQU_DJQST9E8G1COLTBBS7QUXF6SH R3 299 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 UPDMODE = F R3 299 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 LANGUAGES = * R3 299 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 ************************************************************************* R8 048 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 * Current Values for Selected Profile Parameters * R8 049 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 ************************************************************************* R8 048 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 * abap/heap_area_nondia......... 4000683008 * R8 050 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 * abap/heap_area_total.......... 21472739328 * R8 050 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 * abap/heaplimit................ 40000000 * R8 050 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 * zcsa/installed_languages...... EJ * R8 050 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 * zcsa/system_language.......... E * R8 050 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 * ztta/max_memreq_MB............ 2047 * R8 050 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 * ztta/roll_area................ 3000000 * R8 050 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 * ztta/roll_extension........... 4000683008 * R8 050 S
02.04.2015 22:24:25 ************************************************************************* R8 048 S
03.04.2015 04:10:23 Call customer enhancement BW_BTE_CALL_BW204010_E (BTE) with 26,486 records R3 407 S
03.04.2015 04:10:23 Result of customer enhancement: 26,486 records R3 408 S
03.04.2015 04:10:23 Call customer enhancement EXIT_SAPLRSAP_001 (CMOD) with 26,486 records R3 407 S
03.04.2015 04:12:21 Result of customer enhancement: 26,486 records R3 408 S
03.04.2015 04:12:21 Asynchronous send of data package 1 in task 0002 (1 parallel tasks) R3 409 S
03.04.2015 04:12:22 IDOC: Info IDoc 2, IDoc No. 27389213, Duration 00:00:00 R3 088 S