Hey folks,
I want to import some files into my Minisap and it won't work. Please help, I couldn't find out what to do. I don't have access to the SAP marketplace. The following error comes up:
I documented the process:
General Information:
Virtual Environment: VMware Player
OS: Windows 7 ultimate
SAP: ABAP Netweaver Trial 7.03 (64bit).
Notes to the export:
The import files come from a SAP System, which is controlled be the SAP. I exported the files using the program
<zah_download_request> using tcode SA38. The content should be some db-tables, some function modules and some programs I wrote.
Notes to the import:
To import the files K...zme and R...zme I copied them in following directories. C:\usr\sap\trans\cofiles for the K-file and C:\usr\sap\trans\data for the R-file.
Then I started SAP logging on system NSP, client 000, user DDIC.
I used Tcode STMS.
I checked: consistency, critical objects and transport tool
These are the results:
Transport tool:
Critical objects:
1. Screenshot
2. Screenshot
3. Screenshot
If I start the import as a test, following happens:
Because of this information I choosed:
The result is: