Hi Experts,
We are doing stack upgrade of our PI system using SUM tool. In the preprocessing step; it got terminated with error "Checks after MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG were negatice. Last error code set : Detected 40 aborted activities in 'ACTUPG.ELG' . tp returned with code 12. Check SAPup.ECO.
In SAPup.ECO; we have below logs
EXECUTING /usr/sap/SID/SUM/abap/exe/tp pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/abap/var/ACTUPG.TPP put SID
This is tp version 380.29.44 (release 721, unicode enabled)
Looking for effective putsteps ... ... ready (looking for putsteps)
ERROR: stopping on error 12 during DD ACTIVATION
stopping on error 12 during DD ACTIVATION
tp returncode summary:
TOOLS: Highest return code of single steps was: 12
WARNS: Highest tp internal warning was: 0118
tp finished with return code: 12
A tool used by tp aborted
SAPup> Process with PID 28990 terminated with status 12 at 20150623073200!
But other than above; there is no errors like lw memory or an ySQL error as found in few SDN posts or SA notes. Went through other log files as wel but there is nothign much useful. In SAP; there is no ABAP dump or failed jobs. Could you please help