This blog refers " How to config and send email from SAP with third party tool XAMPP "
1. XAMPP installation & configuration part.
2. SCOT settings from SAP end.
1. XAMPP installation & configuration part:
XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP, and Perl.
XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MySQL (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P). It is a simple, lightweight Apache distribution that makes it extremely easy for developers to create a local web server for testing purposes. Everything you need to set up a web server – server application (Apache), database (MySQL), and scripting language (PHP) – is included in a simple extractable file. XAMPP is also cross-platform, which means it works equally well on Linux, Mac and Windows. Since most actual web server deployments use the same components as XAMPP, it makes transitioning from a local test server to a live server is extremely easy as well. Web development using XAMPP is especially beginner friendly, as this popular PHP and MySQL for beginners course will teach you.
Installation of XAMPP:
We can download the free version of XAMPP from web.
- Disable your anti-virus as it can cause some XAMPP components to behave erratically.
- Disable User Account Control (UAC). UAC limits write permissions to XAMPP’s default installation directory (c:/Program Files/xampp), forcing you to install in a separate directory
- Start the installation process by double-clicking on the XAMPP installer. Click ‘Next’ after the splash screen.
- Here, you can select the components you want to install. Choose the default selection and click ‘Next’.
- Choose the folder you want to install XAMPP in. This folder will hold all your web application files, so make sure to select a drive that has plenty of space.
- The next screen is a promo for BitNami, an app store for server software. Deselect the ‘Learn more about BitNami for XAMPP’ checkbox, unless you actually enjoy receiving promo mails!
-Setup is now ready to install XAMPP. Click Next and wait for the installer to unpack and install selected components. This may take a few minutes. You may be asked to approve Firewall access to certain components (such as Apache) during the installation process.
- Installation is now complete! Select the ‘Do you want to start the Control Panel now?’ checkbox to open the XAMPP control panel.
Understanding XAMPP Control Panel
The XAMPP control panel gives you complete control over all installed XAMPP components. You can use the CP to start/stop different modules, launch the Unix shell, open Windows explorer and see all operations running in the background.
Here is a quick overview of the Control Panel. For now, you only need to know how to start and stop an Apache server.
- Start Mercury (using the XAMPP Control Panel) and then open the admin panel.
2. First of all we disable the HTTP server of Mercury so that it doesn't conflict with the apache:
- “Configuration” -> “Protocol modules” .
- Disable the check “MercuryB HTTP web server” .
- I also disabled “Mercury IMAP4rev1 server” because I won’t need that one .
- Leave the window opened, we’ll need it immediately .
3. To be able to send external mail we have to disable “MercuryE SMTP end-to-end delivery client” in the same dialog and enable “MercuryC SMTP relaying client”. Click “OK” and restart Mercury!
4. Now let’s configure Mercury in general:
- “Configuration” -> “Mercury core module”, tab “General”
we want to send from localhost, therefore we check if “localhost” is the value of “internet name for this system” and adjust that if not
- All other settings stay the same as they are already configured, but we’ll have a look to the checkboxes beneath:
- Disable all but “Send copies of all errors to postmaster”
3. Check under the tab “Local domains” if the entry “localhost (local host or server) localhost (internet name)” is there, if not, add it
4. Click “OK” and leave the dialog.
5. Next we focus on the MercuryS SMTP Server for outgoing emails:
- “Configuration” -> “MercuryS SMTP Server”
- choose the tab “General” and add a wonderful name for your SMTP server under “Announce myself as”, simply fill in any name, I’ve chosen “CS SMTP”.
- under “Listen on TCP/IP port” fill in “25″, that’s the SMTP port
- add “″ to “IP interface to use”, that’s the local IP of your pc. With the IP of the pc within the network (192.168.0.X) it doesn’t work (at least for me)
6. Now we limit the access to the server so that only our local machine can access it:
- Under “Connection Control” click on “Add restriction” and add the IP range from “″ till “″ (it’s that simple, isn’t it?)…
- Select “Allow connections”…
- Leave all checkboxes deselected
with a click on “OK” we quit the dialog and we’re looking forward to the next one
7. Now we have the important one “MercuryC SMTP Client”
- “Configuration” -> “MercuryC SMTP Client”
- To send mail to external addresses we need to have an external SMTP server. If you’re renting webspace somewhere and have mail included then you normally have access to a SMTP server. My webspace is hosted at HostEurope and I’ll use the SMTP of my domain. Without such an external server the whole thing won’t work because domain names won’t be resolved among other things. I’ve chosen this path because I didn’t feel like configuring around the whole day.
- Enter the address of your SMTP under “Smart host name”, for example “”
- Depending on the way you access the server fill the values under “Connection port/type”: we finally fill in the “Login username” and the “Password” that normally is supplied by your webhost and we’ve nearly finished…
For a “normal” SMTP that would probably be port 25 and “Normal (no SSL encryption)”
- I access my SMTP via SSL, that would be port 465 and “SSL encryption using direct connection”
- if you have other parameters simply try around a little.
After completing the XAMPP configuration test Mail :
Go to File Menu --> Click on Send mail message option:
Give the recipient email Address and subject then click on Send button:
XAMPP Configuration done!!!
2. SCOT settings from SAP end.
- Create a User (SCOTUSER):-SU01
- Give the User Name and Email Address.
- In Logon Data: User Type : Service
- Assign the below parameters:
- Assign the Profile: S_A.SCON - SAP Connect All Auth.RFC User/SAP Phone.Centr.Arch
- Click on Save.
- Add the highlight parameter in Instance profile :
Profile Parameter (Instance) :
- Run the TX. SCOT for settings :
Give the below details as in below screen shot:
Click on settings tab: Assign the SFDN
Create a new Job :
Sending a mail :(SO01)
Click on New message:
Click on send button on Top menu bar
Now go to Tx SOST:
Status is changed to send:
Mail is sent to the recipient, confirmation from mail inbox.
Thank you..