Hi Everyone,
I have renew my sap router certificate like what I use to do, but now I have this error. And now I can not connect to OSS.
Any idea what I have done wrong?
RTCONMGR::getFreeCon: mSourceConNo 1 mFreeConNo 799
NiICreateHandle: hdl 17 state NI_INITIAL_CON
NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 17/sock 492 (I4; ST)
NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 17 FALSE
NiIConnectSocket: connection of hdl 17 to in progress (timeout=0)
NiIConnect: hdl 17 took local address
NiIConnect: state of hdl 17 NI_CONN_WAIT
NiSncIInitHdlSecurity for hdl 17
<<- SncSessionInit()==SAP_O_K
out: &snc_hdl = 0000000008316F60
<<- SncSetQOP()==SAP_O_K
in: qop values = "min=8 (default), max=8 (default), use=8 (default)"
resulting = "min=3 (old:3), max=3 (old:3), use=3 (old:3)"
<<- SncSessionInitiatorAK()==SAP_O_K
'target_acl_key' (addr=000000000732C924, len=105) full hexdump
0x00000 00030401 00080606 2b240301 25010000 ........ +$..%...
0x00010 00573055 310b3009 06035504 06130244 .W0U1.0. ..U....D
0x00020 45311f30 1d060355 040a1316 53415020 E1.0...U ....SAP
0x00030 54727573 7420436f 6d6d756e 69747920 Trust Co mmunity
0x00040 49493112 30100603 55040b13 09534150 II1.0... U....SAP
0x00050 726f7574 65723111 300f0603 55040313 router1. 0...U...
0x00060 08736170 73657276 32 .sapserv 2
parses to = "p:CN=sapserv2, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP Trust Community II, C=DE"
->> SncProcessOutput(snc_hdl=0000000008316F60, ibuf=0000000000000000, ilen=0,
&idone=000000000732C820, &obuf=000000000732C7F0, &oused=000000000732C7E0)
*** ERROR => SncPEstablishContext() failed for target='p:CN=sapserv2, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP Trust Community II, C=DE' [sncxxall.c 3585]
*** ERROR => SncPEstablishContext()==SNCERR_GSSAPI [sncxxall.c 3551]
GSS-API(maj): No credentials were supplied
Unable to establish the security context
target="p:CN=sapserv2, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP Trust Community II, C=DE"
<<- SncProcessOutput()==SNCERR_GSSAPI
*** ERROR => NiSncIInitHdlSecurity: SncProcessOutput failed (sncrc=-4;0000000008316F60) [nisnc.c 1202]
<<- SncSessionDone()==SAP_O_K
NiICloseHandle: called for hdl 17 while waiting for connection
NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 17/sock 492
*** ERROR => NiSncHandleForAddr C9/-1, (rc=-17) [nirout.cpp 3997]
*** ERROR => NiRClientHandle: NiRExRouteCon for C9/-1 'sapsolman.rebisco.com' failed (rc=-17) [nirout.cpp 3364]
NiBufISendErr: send ni-error rc -104 to hdl 9
NiIWrite: hdl 9 sent data (wrt=240,pac=1,MESG_IO)
NiRCloseConn: closing C9/-1
NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 9/sock 480
RTCONMGR::releaseCon: mSourceConNo 0 mFreeConNo 800
RTCONMGR::releaseCon: mSourceConNo 0 mFreeConNo 801