Hi Gurus
This an EEC 6 EHP7 system with Hana and NW 7.40
I am using CG3Z with a superuser with full authorizations in client 000.
I am struggling to upload SP SAPKW74009 to the AL11 folder.
Each time I try to upload the sar file I get an error with the following logs :
Tick:87452335 Thr:5416 RFC ITS 143 ==> error ItsWrite ITS_ERROR
Tick:87452335 Thr:5416 subid(REQ) srv(Open) clnt(0/Closed) used:server
Tick:87452335 Thr:5416 rfctr_drvset: Cannot Write2 Stream Table (rc -2 line 1944)
Tick:87452335 Thr:5416 RABAX SYSTEM_CANNOT_WRITE_TABLE/CPostmanChannel::rfctr_drvset $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/rfc/guirfc/abrfctrc.cpp#1 $ SAP1945
I am really not a Basis consultant. I do not have a clue of what is wrong. This SP is related to SAP_BW component. We currently have SAPKW74008. We do not use BW in that system. I have to download this for dependency.
I have the same RFC error when I try load from SPAM.
Thanks in advance for your bright ideas.
Message was edited by: Le Radis