Hello All,
I have this small doubt on deactivating alerts through SOLMAN.
Some of the examples are as below:
1. MAImon critical alert 'HP_TT: SM21 - BY2 Database error' for SAP system <SID> instance DVEBMGSxx on host <hostname> has been detected by SAP SolMan <SID> on ec2-23-22-46-167.compute-1.amazonaws.com: Status=Red, ObjectType=INSTANCE, ObjectName=NED~ABAP~eesldi44_NED_03, MoniCategory=EXCEPTION, AlertDate=20150602, AlertTime=075722, AlertSev=5,
2. MAImon critical alert 'Not Enough Batch Resources' for SAP system SID instance DVEBMGSxx on host hostname has been detected by SAP SolMan NED on hostname Status=Red, ObjectType=INSTANCE, ObjectName=EEQ~ABAP~kftsapeeq01_EEQ_00, MoniCategory=PERFORM, AlertDate=20150602, AlertTime=090917, AlertSev=3, Metrics={Metric=Background
3. MAImon warning alert 'HDB New HANA Trace Files' for database SID on host <hostname has been detected by SAP SolMan SID on hostname Status=Yellow, ObjectType=DBMS, ObjectName=SID , MoniCategory=EXCEPTION, AlertDate=20150602, AlertTime=075125, AlertSev=6, Metrics={MetricGroup=New HANA Trace Files--Metric=HOST=hostname
Can any one guide me in deactivating these alerts.