Hello experts,
im trying to get my SAPOSS RFC running but i always get an error which i simply cannot explain to myself.
So i set up the SAProuter (on a LINUX System, i installed the newest version and added the SNC-Certificate)
The SAProuter works fine, im able to access to my systems from outside my network.
So when i now try to setup the OSS1 with the following Parameters:
IP-Address: <IP_ADDRESS_where_my_SAProuter_is_located>
Instance No.:99
SAPRouter at SAP side:
Name: sapserv2
InstanceNo. : 99
SAPNet Message Server:
Name: oss001
DB-Name: O01
InstanceNo: 01
i get this error when i try to establish the RFC-Connection:
Anmeldung | Verbindungsfehler |
Fehlerdetails | Fehler beim Öffnen einer RFC-Verbindung (LB: Hostname or service of the message |
Fehlerdetails | ERROR: The connection to the specified message server (/H/<IP_ADDRESS_where_my_SAProuter_is_located>/S/sap |
Fehlerdetails | LOCATION: SAP-Server MSM_MSM_00 on host MSM (wp 7) |
Fehlerdetails | COMPONENT: MS (message handling interface, multithreaded) |
Fehlerdetails | COUNTER: 1435 |
Fehlerdetails | MODULE: msxxi.c |
Fehlerdetails | LINE: 2783 |
Fehlerdetails | RETURN CODE: -35 |
Fehlerdetails | SUBRC: 0 |
Fehlerdetails | RELEASE: 721 |
Fehlerdetails | TIME: Thu Sep 24 12:32:04 2015 |
Fehlerdetails | VERSION: 4 |
Im able to Telnet my SAProuter from my SAP-Server and im able to Telnet the SAProuter at SAP-Side from my SAP-Server. So the Problem seems to be anywhere else.
Has anyone an Idea how to fix this error and establish the Connection via SAPOSS?