We are trying to import SAP transports into Production. When I execute tp addtobuffer it failes with the below error.
servername:sidadm 8> tp addtobuffer E11K937120 kp2
Pid 7836 killed due to text modification or page I/O error
I have not seen this issue anytime in the past.
Even tp -v and R3Trans -v fail with the same error.
servername:sidadm 4> tp -v
Pid 22871 killed due to text modification or page I/O error
servername:sidadm 4> R3trans -d
Pid 16812 killed due to text modification or page I/O error
/user/sap/trans is an NFS mount in our environment. This NFS mount hung last week due to a server issue which made SAP hung till the NFS filesystems were remounted by Sys. adm. Could this error be possible due to this issue.
Can you please share your thoughts.