We are upgrading BHx - (BW on hana ) system from NW 7.3 sp 8 to NW
7.4 sp 11. During the pre processing phase (step 5.5) we are getting the following
error .Could you please help.
ERROR: Batchjob RUTSETRCST1 on shadow system failed.
Detected the following errors:
# /sap_dump2/SUM/abap/log/RUTSETRCST.BHx: 4 EAD010X"Technical Settings:" "/BIC/B0003766000" "successfully activated" " " 3 EAD010X"Technical Settings" "/BIC/B0003766000" ": Storage information successfully set to" "C" 4 EAD010X"/BIC/B0003767000" ":Technical Settings" "N-Version was written" " " 4 EAD010X"Technical Settings:" "/BIC/B0003767000" "successfully activated" " " 3 EAD010X"Technical Settings" "/BIC/B0003767000" ": Storage information
3 EAD010X"Technical Settings" "/BIC/B0003767000" ": Storage information successfully set to" "C"
2EEAD010X"/BIC/B0003768000" ":No Runtime object found" " " " "
2EEAD010X"/BIC/B0003769000" ":No Runtime object found" " " " "
2EEAD010X"/BIC/B0003770000" ":No Runtime object found" " " " "
2EEAD010X"/BIC/B0003771000" ":No Runtime object found" "
The phase was rerun manyy times but getting same error.
Sm37 - job has finished successfully. Sm21/st22 - no issues found