I recently upgraded my Trex.
After this my Adapter Engine is red and is not starting. Trying to deactivate it still not allowing me to do so. The following is the error:
An error occurred:1) Class: com.sap.aii.rwb.web.trex.CentralTrexException : Message: TrexException in Method: CentralTrexManager: getDocumentCounter( String ). TrexException: Failed to return the number of indexed documents for Trex index: xi_msg:af.SID.hostname. Message: Class: com.sap.aii.af.service.trex.TrexException : TrexException in Method: TrexManager: getDocumentCounter( String ). Failed to return the number of indexed documents for Trex index: xi_msg:af.sid.hostname. Message: Class: com.sap.aii.af.service.trex.TrexException : HTTP server error: 500 ;
Please Suggest.