I´m in phase PREP_IMPORT/TOOLIMPD of EHP6 and I get this error:
Checks after phase were negative!
Last error code set: Detected 2 errors summarized in 'TOOLIMPD.ELG'<br/> Calling 'C:\usr\sap\SSD\DVEBMGS00\exe/tp' failed with return code 8, check F:\SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO for details
1EEDO519 "Table" "DDLOAD" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "Table" "PUTTB_SHD_MNT" could not be activated
Last error code set: Detected 2 errors summarized in 'TOOLIMPD.ELG
The tables exist on the system and are activated, but this phase fails.
Any suggestion?