I'm looking for some advice on this as I hit a road block:
I've done the following:
1. Install Web Dispatcher and point it to my back end and front end
#Connection to backend
wdisp/system_0 = SID=YYY, MSHOST=hostname, MSPORT=8100, SRCURL=/,SRCULF=/sap/opu/odata;/sap/public/bc/;/sap/bc/
2. Access via Web Dispatcher to my Fiori Launcher and it went as it should (means my web dispatcher is working for front end and back end)
3. Configure the web dispatcher to HANA XS but it does not seem working since I cannot access /sap/hana/ via web dispatcher (meaning my routing was not working)
I define the sapwebdisp.pfl as the following
#parameters defined
wdisp/system_conflict_resolution = 1
wdisp/add_clientprotocol_header = 1
wdisp/handle_webdisp_ap_header = 1
wdisp/add_xforwardedfor_header = true
#HANA XS System
wdisp/system_1= SID=EXT, EXTSRV=http://hanalocalhost-XXX:8001, SRCSRV=*:*, SRCURL=/sap/hba/;/sap/hana
Note: XXX is the tenant SID, and I've tested I can access directly via HANA hostname
Is this correct?
Thank you