Hi All,
We are upgrading our NW 7.0 ABAP system to NW 7.4 SP13.
Database is Oracle 11g and OS is HP-UNIX.
We are using SUM SP14 patch 4 for Upgrade activity.
During Upgrade execution in configuration phase we have a step DBCONCHK_INI where SUM tool check its connectivity with Database.
We are facing issue in this step -
/usr/sap/install/SUM/abap/exe/R3trans -d
Could not open the ICU common library.
The following files must be in the path described by
the environment variable "LD_LIBRARY_PATH":
libicuuc.sl.50, libicudata.sl.50, libicui18n.sl.50 [/bas/742_REL/src/flat/nlsui0.c 1531] pid = 9143
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is currently set to <not set> [/bas/742_REL/src/flat/nlsui0.c 1537] pid = 9143
Root cause - SUM is using its uncar Kernel to check connectivity which is 742 and for DB library it is using existing kernel path.
So R3trans used by SUM is 742 version and it needs libicuuc.sl.50, libicudata.sl.50, libicui18n.sl.50 and dboraslib(742) to make successful DB connectivity but SUM is searching these DB library under existing Kernel /usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run where we have 700 kernel DB libraries.
We also tried to copy libicuuc.sl.50, libicudata.sl.50, libicui18n.sl.50 and dboraslib(742) from /usr/sap/install/SUM/abap/exe to /usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run which gave successful result for /usr/sap/install/SUM/abap/exe/R3trans -d but our existing system start showing issue and giving error message during startup that Kernel is 700 but dboraslib is 742.
Not sure why SUM is using its 742 R3trans and not considering DB libraries available under /usr/sap/install/SUM/abap/exe but needs these DB libraries in Existing system Kernel.
We also checked that we cannot perform Kernel Upgrade on existing system as 742 Kernel is not supported with Netweaver 7.0
Shivam Mittal