Hi all,
I have an urgent issue. please help.
When i started the transaction STMS_IMPORT, the following error message is appearing.
I searched in net and found out that there may be wrong path definitions in AL11.When i checked the path of DIR_TRANS in AL11 in both Development and Quality (Default value,current value,profile value) are like this : \\hostname\sapmnt\trans.
But in Production, the values are like this;
Default value :\\hostname\sapmant\trans
profile value : D:\usr\sap\trans
current value : D:\usr\sap\trans
Also i checked in RZ10, the value of DIR_TRANS is D:\usr\sap\trans.
So what should i do, should i change the value of DIR_TRANS in PRD to \\hostname\sapmnt\trans ???
Kindly reply as our users are unable to release transport request.....