Hi All.
Our problem is that ACA note 2211233 got de-implemented during the process of installing HR SP SAPKE600C7. As a result, we get an error "Type 'CX_HRPAYUS_NON_US_EE' is unknown" when we try to implement new ACA notes. In the mean time, we also implemented HR SP C8 and C9. It took some time before we realized the problem. Only C7 and the note contains this type.
My question is, what is the best way to recover from this problem? We either need to bring only that one type in, or rerun the note and all notes following it, or rerun all the service packs. So,
1 - Can we reset the note and run it in again? At this time the note is in "Cannot be implemented" status due to SP C7 being installed.
2 - If not, is there a way to re-implement the SP's using SPAM? (We ran the transports in through STMS, that fixed that one problem, but resulted in many other error messages during the transport phases. We used VMWare's snapshots to revert back to before running the transports).
3 - Any other ideas?
This problem started a while back, so there is a lot of new development work in other areas in this system. Therefor, restoring the system back to before the issue started, is not ideal and is a last resort.
BTW, we use SAP HR 600.