Hi All,
We're installing a new TREX landscape: Multiple Host with 1 Master index server and 2 slave index servers and with decentralized storage
As recommended in the TREX Multiple Host installation manual:
- Global file system is located on Master Index server which is also Master name server, and shared with the other servers
- We use the same instance number for all instances
During the installation of each of the different servers, a link is created from /sapmnt/<SID> to /usr/sap/<SID>
This means that /usr/sap/<SID>/TRX<instance>/... is shared over the 3 servers of the landscape. All share the same instance number, see SAP recommendation.
Question: where do we locate the local folders for the decentralized storage? /usr/sap/<SID>/TRX<instance>/ is not an option since that one shared.
On each of the servers I could create a local data folder under /usr/sap and use that folder as location for decentralized storage. But I don't if that is a good option.
Has anyone experience with this?
Kind Regards
Edmond Paulussen