Regarding the variant selection of some transactions, in my case "qa32", there is a minor issue which I can not solve.
As can be seen from the attached picture "Variant selection with 10 or less variants" (taken from our test system), given the restriction that there were at most 10 variants created in an transaction, the dialog for the variant selection is shown instantly (Step 2.). This is not the case if there are more than 10 variants for a transaction (see attached picture "Variant selection with more than 10 variants"; taken from our productive system) you get a "Find variant" dialog (Step 2.). In oder to find all variants you have to delete your name which is prefilled (Step 3.) and click on "Execute" to get the same result (Step 4.).
As the limit of 10 variants (at least in our systems!) is quite low and in my opinion this search is not really necessary in this case, I was searching for some customisation setting to increase this limit (maybe to 20). Unfortunately I did not find any setting in this regards. Does anybody have any idea how to increase this limit, if possible?
Kind regards,