Hi Everyone,
Reviewing one performance issue with the Invoicing JOB SDBILLDL I have realized that some of the execution have a Higher CPU Time than the Response Time. It sound for me a bit rare. As far as I know it should be the CPU time used by the workprocess during the transaction execution, so it cannot be higher than the total response time.
this is the STAD information of the execution:
Analysis of time in work process
CPU time 11398000 ms Number Roll ins 1
RFC+CPIC time 0 ms Roll outs 1
Enqueues 3.865
Total time in workprocs 7729430 ms
Load time Program 1.179 ms
Response time 7729528 ms Screen 1 ms
CUA interf. 0 ms
Wait for work process 98 ms
Processing time 5400688 ms Roll time Out 15 ms
Load time 1.180 ms In 3 ms
Generating time 0 ms Wait 0 ms
Roll (in+wait) time 3 ms
Database request time 2321383 ms Frontend No.roundtrips 0
Enqueue time 6.175 ms GUI time 0 ms
Net time 0 ms
Have you ever seen a similar behavior? Do you have any explanation for that?
Many thanks in advanced