I can't get custom ICM SHTML error pages to work on my ECC server. What I am hoping to do is to get the the users who timeout after 40 minutes to get a certain page (ICMERR-ENOSESSION.shtml) and every other error should be redirected to an enhanced error capturing page (ICMERR-EDEFAULT.shtml) . Well thru trial and error I found that I can get them to go to a custom HTML page w/o error, but not a custom SHTML page. If I redirect them to an SHTML page they are instead redirected to the standard SAP error handling pages. It's like I am missing an 'allow SHTML pages' setting or something, but from what I've read no such option exists.
I am using this page for reference
Error Codes (SAP Library - SAP Web Dispatcher)
Any help/feedback would be appreciated. Thanks