Hi Gurus,
Recently while executing BATCH processes in production , the job got canceled due to this dump "TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED".
I went through many discussions and notes but couldn't conclude on the resolution to the dump.
The memory used at termination time was:
How to correct the error
The amount of storage space (in bytes) filled at termination time was:
Roll area...................... 17930432
Extended memory (EM)........... 2002720576
Assigned memory (HEAP)......... 4000756272
Short area..................... " "
Paging area.................... 32768
Maximum address space.......... 4294967295
If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
ST02 analysis:
SAP Memory | Curr.Use % | CurUse[KB] | MaxUse[KB] | In Mem[KB] | OnDisk[KB] | SAPCurCach | HitRatio % |
Roll area | 3.05 | 15,982 | 68,520 | 262,144 | 262,144 | IDs | 97.6 |
Page area | 1.5 | 15,762 | 164,560 | 65,536 | 983,040 | Statement | 82 |
Extended memory | 27.31 | 6,873,088 | 12,914,688 | ######## | 0 |
| 0 |
Heap memory |
| 0 | 3,907,171 | 0 | 0 |
| 0 |
Memory parameters:
ztta/roll_extension 2000000000
ztta/roll_area 19500000
rdisp/ROLL_MAXFS 65536
rdisp/PG_MAXFS 131072
abap/heap_area_nondia 4000683008
abap/heap_area_dia 4000000000
ztta/roll_extension_nondia 2000000000
em/initial_size_MB 12228
Memory ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│
│ Physical PageSpace | pages/sec In Out | FileSystemCache│
│% Used 70.7% 0.9% | to Paging Space 0.0 0.0 | (numperm) 11.6%│
│% Free 29.3% 99.1% | to File System 0.0 0.0 | Process 43.8%│
│MB Used 17380.1MB 281.7MB | Page Scans 0.0 | System 15.3%│
│MB Free 7195.9MB 32486.3MB | Page Cycles 0.0 | Free 29.3%│
│Total(MB) 24576.0MB 32768.0MB | Page Steals 0.0 | -----│
│ |
Please suggest ways to correlate the data and suggest the parameters which needs to be tuned to avoid this dump.