Dear SDNers,
I need to print my form on a page of size 21.5CM width and 14CM height page.
I have created a page format of type "Landscape" with the above width and height.
I have assigned this page format to format type.
Copied device type SAPWIN to ZSAPWIN and assigned the format type which I have created and wrote the below code at Printer Initialization
# SAPWIN data stream
# portrait orientation
@End of Page - \f
@End of line - \n
Created a output device of type ZSAPWIN which I copied from SAPWIN and access method is "G:Front end printing with control tech."
Created a smart form of page format type which I created.
My problem is while printing the multiple pages, one page is skipping in between.
Kindly let me knw what I have missed and how to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance.