I have this issue I don't get. I'v setup a CUA in a seperate client on our solution manager <SOL> where I hooked up our BI system. So far so good. If I do a user measurement in USMM in that CUA client then I only see the local users but not the users for the BI system. If I do a user measurment in the BI system and export a LAW file and imports that in SLAW ( License Administration Workbench ) in our default monitoring client on the solution manager, I get the message "Could not load measurment file for system <SOL>".
So in the exported LAW file of the BI system there is a description that the users recide on the solution manager seperate CUA client but somehow can't read or connect to it. For some reason getting the info via RFC within SLAW is not working correctly as it takes for ages to for instance test the connection or collecting and transfe, however the RFC connection is working properly in SM59.
Other systems without CUA I can import and combine without problems in SLAW
What am I doing wrong here.
Kind regards
Patrick van Alphen
Edited by: P. van Alphen on Oct 21, 2010 12:25 PM