Hello all,
Looking for info on how to make a correction after serious implementation issue.
Consultant did not follow "best practice" and during ECC 6.0 upgrade, rather than upgrading our existing ECC 5 dev and quality box, he created NEW dev and quality boxes which were both DB restore copies of the same system, and then changed the SID, DBSID, and hostname of the systems!
Now I have ECC6 DEV and QAS boxes that have the same exact system numbers!
I go to SLICENSE and my hardware key, installation number, AND system number are identical in both systems....
Problem is now the numbers don't match in the service marketplace, and my solution manager is doing strange things.
To get a license to work, I need to download from martketplace, and then manually edit the notepad file to change the sys number.
Is there a way to change the system numbers without having to re-create my systems since we JUST inherited this after a Go Live?
I am also opening an OSS note but any insight from someone who may have dealt with this issue would be much appreciated.