Hello All,
We have an issue where our MDG consultant is trying to create a connector in ESH_COCKPIT, but it gives an error saying "error while preparing".
So we checked the logs of the job and it fails with error as " RFC failure"
We have checked the RFC "TREX_TGP" in SM59 of ECP and also in TREXAdmin , its working fine.
Now, we tried to look for logs and TREX logs says as below -
usr/sap/TGP/TRX70/trx70tgp/trace # tail -20 TrexIndexServer_trx70tgp.37003.000.trc
[139657946474240] 2014-03-05 11:53:38.125 e join_eval JoinEvaluator.cpp(01527) : showIndex failed for esh:ecp100~ecp100~mdg_business_partner~%e9dc0710 rc=2007
[139657946474240] 2014-03-05 11:53:38.149 e join_eval JoinEvaluator.cpp(01527) : showIndex failed for esh:ecp100~ecp100~mdg_business_partner~%e9dc0710 rc=2007
[139657938081536] 2014-03-05 12:45:08.830 e join_eval JoinEvaluator.cpp(01527) : showIndex failed for esh:ecp100~ecp100~mdg_business_partner~%e9dc0710 rc=2007
[139657938081536] 2014-03-05 12:45:08.831 e join_eval JoinEvaluator.cpp(01527) : showIndex failed for esh:ecp100~ecp100~mdg_business_partner~%e9dc0710 rc=2007
Attached is the screenshot of the error.
Any suggestions here will be highly appreciated.
Cheers, SG