A little background to this document. In our environment the Central Services (ASCS and SCS) are currently housed on the same server as our Database. This database server is in a secluded (via firewall) network zone. For certain upgrade activity we have found it necessary to move the ASCS and the SCS on to the same server as our Central/Primary Instance. We were not able to find any documentation online on how to accomplish this. Through trial/error we developed our our procedure, which I would now like to share with the community. Our environment is a UNIX one. Adjust accordingly for Windows/other.
These instructions have been used/tested on NetWeaver 7.0, 7.02, and 7.3.
Primary or Central Instance - In this document I will often be referring to the Primary or Central Instance. This is meant to refer to the instance DVEBMGS*. For the purposes of my document, these terms should be considered synonymous.
Central Service - ASCS and SCS. Generally enqueue and message services.
- On the Central Instance application server make a backup of the entire /sapmnt/<SID>/profile directory (cp –R /sapmnt/<SID>/profile /sapmnt/<SID>/profile.bak).
- Move the ASCS and SCS profiles to the Central/Primary Instance Server.
- Using tar/zip, move /usr/sap/<SID>/(ASCS##|SCS##) from the source server to the target server.
- In our environment the ASCS and the DVEBMGS instances have the same number (They are on different servers). If this is the same in your environment, make sure to rename the /sapmnt/<SID>/profile file(s) to a new (unused) number. The ASCS/SCS folder(s) in /usr/sap/<SID> will also have been be renamed with the same corresponding number.
- In /sapmnt/<SID>/profile, edit the DEFAULT.PFL. You will need to change any value that relates to the Enqueue/Message service. If you changed the instance number of the ASCS/SCS, you will also have to reflect these changes in the appropriate entries in DEFAULT.PFL. Pay special attention to Port numbers and host names/IP addresses. If you are a bit lost on the port numbers, this SAP Document on TCP port numbers may come in handy.
- In /sapmnt/<SID>/profile, change values in <SID>_DVEBMGS##_<Server> as required to reflect the location of your new cental services. In our environment, no changes were needed here as this is entirely defined in our DEFAULT.PFL.
- In /sapmnt/<SID>/profile, change values in <SID>_ASCS##_<Server> and <SID>_SCS##_<Server>, similar as you did in Step #5.
- In /sapmnt/<SID>/profile, change values in START_SCS##_<Server> and START_ASCS##_<Server>, similar as you did in Step #5.
- Rename <SID>_SCS##_<SourceServer> and <SID>_ASCS##_<SourceServer> to <SID>_SCS##_<TargerServer> and <SID>_ASCS##_<TargerServer>, respectively. Be sure to pay attention to CaSe SeNsiTivItY. On UNIX environments, the "hostname" command will provide you with the expected host name and case. Change the ## as appropriate, if required.
- Rename START_SCS##_<SourceServer> and START_ASCS##_<SourceServer> to START_SCS##_<TargerServer> and START_ASCS##_<TargerServer>, respectively, similar to step #9.
- In systems that have a java stack, open ConfigTools.
- Under Global Server Configuration and Global Dispatcher Configuration open up manager/cluster manager and in the fields ms.host and ms.port change to desired values. Also change “Managers/Locking Manager” enqu.host and enqueue.port
- After you complete the changes on the first screen, proceed to the File|configuration editor and scroll down through cluster-data|Propertysheet instance.properties and look for the instance.properties option. Click the pencil to enter edit mode. Change the following to new, appropriate values:
- Instance.en.port
- Instance.ms.host
- Instance.ms.port
- Save your changes and exit Config Tools.
- Under Global Server Configuration and Global Dispatcher Configuration open up manager/cluster manager and in the fields ms.host and ms.port change to desired values. Also change “Managers/Locking Manager” enqu.host and enqueue.port
- In systems that have a java stack, you need to tell the SDM of the new central service location. If you fail to do this, the java instance will not start up.
- cd /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS##/SDM/program
- ./sdm.sh jstartup mode=standalone (SAP System may need to be down?)
- ./sdm.sh registerjstartup sdmhome=/usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance>/SDM/program/ jstartupdir=/usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance>/exe/ mshost=<TargetServer hostname> msport=<Port Of Message Server>
- ./sdm.sh jstartup mode=integrated
- Start SAP System. Check /usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance>/work/dev_server0 to ensure the java stack comes to "Running".
To move the Central Services back, simply restore the backup you made in step #1 above and undo the changes you made in Steps 11/12.