After configuring the ADS service (as detailed in this document) it can happen that the service is not working. In that case, you can consult SAP Note 944221 - Troubleshooting if problems occur in forms processing. It contains several tips on how to solve possible issues. This note treats issues caused by a faulty configuration of ADS and not issues caused by ADS because of bugs or others that are solved by patching ADS.
Considering that ABAP related problems are handled by another person and that we actually want to verify a ADS problem, the section about Web Dynpro for Java scenario is more than enough to test ADS and verify its correct behavior. In that case, only the correctness of ADS installation is checked and not the whole setup, like sending the PDF back to the ABAP system.
The section that allows to only verify ADS is II Web Dynpro for Java. This specific section lists 5 areas to check:
- Testing the user and password
- Check the Web service destination ConfigPort_Document.
- Check whether the credential is installed and configured.
- Generated PDF with additional information
- Activating ADS trace on the J2EE Engine
Its sufficient to verify ADS configuration by going through points 1 to 3. For the walkthrough I only consider NetWeaver systems higher than 7.11.
Step 1
Check the user and password of ADS.
- Go the the web services navigator: http://server:port/wsnavigator.
- Select Provider System and search for AdobeDocumentServicesVi
This should return the service interface AdobeDocumentServicesVi
Select the operation rpData
Leave the parameters as they are.
Click on execute and an authentication popup should appear. Enter the ADS credentials. Why the ADS credentials? The ABAP system is calling the ADS web service with these. If the ADS user and password are incorrect, the ABAP system cannot call the web service. WIthout this, no PDFs are generated. With this you also test if the ADS user is active. Sometimes it can happen the user ID and password are correct, but the user is disabled. In that case, the test of course also won't work.
Afterwards the web service should be executed and the result view shows some data.
What is of interest is the RpString VersionInfo. When it shows the version number of the ADS, it worked.
Result in above example => Worked. ADS credentials are correct.
Step 2
Check the Web service destination ConfigPort_Document.
This step depends on SAP Note1443819: Web Service Destination ConfigPort_Document does not exist. To see if the config port document and inspecition.wsil are set up correctly, the note suggests to use wsnavigator.
From there on, the same steps as in step 1. are executed.
Now, what the note does not mention is that the destination can point to a server not accessible by your browser. What does this mean? When you select the service interface from the logical destination.
If you get this error:
It is not allowed to access URL "http://server:port/AdobeDocumentServices/Config?wsdl&mode=ws_policy&style=document". Host "server" is not in the white list of Web Services Navigator and cannot be requested. In order to add it, go to http://server:port/nwa/middleware-settings and select tab WSNavigator or contact your system administrator.
What happens? The URL wsnavigator tries to call contains the name of the underlying web service server and that one is not available to you. The error message contains a hint on how to solve this problem: adding the server to the white list using the application found under /nwa/middleware-settings.
Add the server name to the while list:
Save the change and go back to wsnavigator. Now it should work.
Why is this configuration actually necessary? Especially as the same web service works in step 2 but fails when the destination template is used? Isn’t the destination template also hosted on the local server? Well, there you have your answer. The destination template is a logical name that points to a WSIL file. Taking a look at the configuration of the destination template shows how this is done:
The URL parameter points to the actual server name where the inspection.wsil file is hosted. If this for instance is the internal server name of the NetWeaver Java system that is not available to your client, you`ll get an error during service invocation from wsnavigator. This also mains that you may put here a server name that is accessible to both the server and the clients.
Step 3
Check whether the credential is configured
“If you want to create interactive forms, you need a Reader Rights Credential (usage rights credential)”
- Only needed for Adobe Interactive Forms.
The other steps outlined in the note for the Java scenario help you to gather more information, but not directly on how to solve the problem.Step
Step 4 & 5
Not part of this document.