I have installed MMC on a Win 7 machine where sap is not installed and i am trying to add the Linux system servers in MMC and get 2 sucess messages, but when i add one system in the SAPMMC with a instance number 66, i am getting the error " Cannot connect to sap service on. webservice error 21.the server name or address could not be resolved winhttpsendrequest failed in plugin_winhttpfsend().DCOM interface error : 800706BA.The RPC server is unavailable ".
I checked that and see that the sapstartsrv process in running on both Linux systems and everything is fine! But still when i add the system with
the instance number 66, in SAPMMC i am getting the above error for this linux system only! The settings in the properties Tab are not modifyable!
Is the reason the instance number 66?
Can you suggest me for any possible solutions.