Hello colleagues,
Can anyone help me out to configure a connection between SAP and BizTalk Server? I am using SAP ERP 6 EHP6 (IDES) as a SAP instance and MS BizTalk Server 2010 as a BT instance with installed and configured BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0. To run a demo I have downloaded SAP Adapter Samples from Microsoft website. I have deployed the SendIDOC sample which demonstrates how to send the ORDERS05 IDOC to the SAP system. This sample (according to MS documentation) performs the following operations:
• Picks up an input file dropped at a pre-defined file location.
• Sends the IDOC to the SAP system.
• Receives the response from the SAP system and copies the output XML at another pre-defined file location.
The sample is "almost work" as ORDERS05.txt file disappers from the "MessageIn" directory, but it doesn't appear in the "ResponseOUT" directory (with the response from SAP).
Of course it makes sence as I didn't configure SAP (not RFC nor Partner profile), particularly, because MS documentation doesn't say anything about SAP configuration.
I would be very appreciated for the instructions on how I have to configure SAP RFC and partner profile in order to run this sample.