Hi Experts ,
We are doing EHP upgrade from EHP6 to EHP7 .Now we are in Downtime phase(Execution phase).We are getting below error.
Further i referred SAP note 1413569 too and followed the attachments too, still stuck in same phase .
Checks after phase MAIN_NEWBAS/PARCONV_UPG were negative!
Last error code set: Unhandled mode flags found, check 'PARCONV.LOG' for details
ERROR: Detected the following errors:
# /sapmedia/bharat/tool/SUM/abap/log/PD990217.XXX:
3 ETP399 ("MANDT",
3 ETP399
2WETP000 05:48:56: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "SMSCMAID " - repeat
2EETP345 05:49:08: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-603-SQL0603N A unique index cannot be created because th
2EETP345 e table contains data that would result in duplicate index entries. SQLSTATE=23515" in DD
2EETP345 L statement for "SMSCMAID "
2 ETP399 --------------- DB-ROLLBACK() ---------------
2EETP334 05:49:08: error in DDL, nametab for "SMSCMAID" not activated
The following i did , unlocked the main system and created the Z* report and executed successfully , then locked the system again and tried repeating the phase from where it stopped ,But still error is seen and stuck in the same phase .
Please provide a valuable solution to our issue !!!!
System details:
Type ERP 6.0
Os :Linux x84_64
Db is DB2