Hi all,
I have installed an ERP system and Solution Manager on the same Windows box. If only one of the two system is started, the started system is running fine. But when one system is already running and the other system is started, the dispatcher of the second system fails to start. It does not matter which system is running first. When I start with the ERP system the solution manager fails and vice versa. In both cases, the 'disp+work.EXE' process fails.
Host and system details:
- The host is Amazon EC2 instance running Windows 2008 R2 SP1 Server 64 bit (total memory 15 GB and Processing Power 8 ECUs) .
- The ERP system is ERP 6.0 Support Release 3, MaxDB 7.8, Central System.
- The Solution Manager 7.1 Support Release 1, MaxDB 7.8, Central System.
This is the error message from dev_disp file:
Using implementation view
<EsNT> Using memory model view.
<EsNT> Memory Reset disabled as NT default
*** ERROR => <EsNT> CreateFileMapping name=Global\ES_SEG_00_005 ,size=2044 MB, error=1455 [esnti.c 1276]
*** Error 11 while initializing OS dependent part.
*** ERROR => DpEmInit: EmInit (1) [dpxxdisp.c 10603]
*** ERROR => DpMemInit: DpEmInit (-1) [dpxxdisp.c 10517]
*** DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpSapEnvInit: DpMemInit
I have increased the virtual memory paging file up to 23038 M as the recommended size.
What additional configuration is needed to run ERP and solution manager at the same time?
Many thanks for your help!