Hi experts,
Dispatcher is not stating after the kernel upgarde to 741.
Sat Apr 5 07:28:05 2014
NiDgSendToMulticastAddrLocalCheck: NiPeek for hdl2 failed with rc = -5
***LOG Q0I=> NiISetSockOpt: setsockopt (126: Cannot assign requested address) [/bas/741_REL/src/base/ni/nixxi.cpp 9154]
*** ERROR => NiISetSockOpt: SiSetSockOpt failed for hdl 19/sock 8
(SI_EADDR_NAVAIL/126; I6; DG; IPPROTO_IPV6-IPV6_JOIN_GROUP) [nixxi.cpp 9154]
*** ERROR => NiIDgHdlGroupAdm: failed to join ff01::e000:82 on interface [nixxi.cpp 9572]
NiDgSendToMulticastAddrLocalCheck: NiDgHdlJoinGroup for hdl1 to ff01::e000:82 failed with rc = -10
*** ERROR => DpCheckMulticast: NiDgSendToMulticastAddrLocalCheck failed (-10) [dpInit.c 4046]
*** Fatal Error
*** Multicast datagrams do not work properly on this host.
*** Description
*** Multicast datagrams are needed for the server internal communication.
Any valuable input will be highly appreciable