We want to change the central SLD (XYZ) with Solman's SLD (ABC) for the entire landscape.
In our landscape while installing the DAA agent in the technical system we gave the information of SLD also along with Solman information. However, after reading note 1365123, we got to know that SLD information is not required if you have Solman in your landscape with version 7.1 SP05 or higher.
Our doubt is that though our Solman version is higher than 7.1 SP05 but we gave the information of SLD while installing the DAA agent earlier.
Do we need to update the central SLD information in DAA also as we are changing the central SLD from XYZ to ABC? or It is not required as we are working with higher version of Solman than 7.1 SP05?
Nitin Khanna