Hi Experts ,
System details:
Oracle11gr2,Linuxx86 64 ,SSFS implemented .
We are currently doing the SPS upgrade from EHP7 SPS3 to EHP7 SPS4 .In preprocessing phsae , we get the below error :
Checks after phase MAIN_SHDRUN/PARDIST_SHD were negative!
Last error code set: Process /transition/SUMSXY/SUM/abap/bin/SAPuptool exited with 20, see '/transition/SUMSXY/SUM/abap/log/SQLSTMTSTD.OUT' for details<br/> process used shadow connect
Below are the logs attached for more details :
Further we are able to login with the user SAPSR3SHD and SAPSR3 with thier respective passwords too .
Let me know if anyone can provide some suggestions or solutions