Hi Gurus,
I'm installing a Netweaver 7.3 EHP1 and in the phase "Create ICM userstore" i'm facing a error:
An error occurred while processing option SAP Enhancement Package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 > Oracle > SAP Systems > Application Server ABAP > Standard System > Standard System( Last error reported by the step: Creating a license signature failed: ===...could not load SSF library /usr/sap//D00/exe/libsapcrypto.so .). You can now:
Choose Retry to repeat the current step.
Choose Log Files to get more information about the error.
Stop the option and continue later.
Log files are written to /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW731/ORA/INSTALL/STD/ABAP.
I created the structure /usr/sap/BWD/D00/exe and i copyed the kernel and SAPCRYTO to this directory, but didin't work.
Can i help me please?
Best regards,
Cleiton Folster Eli.