Currently we have a ECC 5.0 Distributed system. We have resource constraints on AIX hardware and need to either migrate this server from AIX to Linux or if possible just turn it off and get rid of the instance. Can we just turn off App Server Host 1? Is it required for any reason? We can add as many App servers as needed on Linux, no resources constraints on the Linux hardware.
Current configuration
DB Cluster DBHost1 and DBHost2: (AIX) ASCS00 Oracle DB
App Server Host1: (AIX) DVEBMGS00 (Only running dw processes - gw, ms etc is on the ASCS00 DB Host)
App Server Host2: (LINUX) D10
App Server Host3: (LINUX) D20
App Server Host4: (LINUX) D30
App Server Host5: (LINUX) D40
App Server Host6: (LINUX) D50
App Server Host7: (LINUX) D60
App Server Host8: (LINUX) D70
App Server Host9: (LINUX) D80